Barcelona… Then I start work!!!

Posted: January 10, 2012 in Uncategorized

Wow its been a crazy past week…. So much happens in so little time here. I cant wait for nothing major to happen and I gain some sense of normalcy. I started off my week in good spirits, I had decided I wasnt happy living in Getafe with Florencia even though she was a doll. I didn’t like the apartment. It was really expensive for what it was and it was really far away from my new friends and possible social opportunities. Basically it was cramping my style big time. I honestly over estimated my ability to adapt in a foriegn county and I completely underestimated my standard of living. I am definitely spoiled by the type of life style i maintained in Costa Mesa. It was a rude awakeing to find out I didn’t want to live that slowly and that far away from friends. Looking back now I think I could of stuck it out if i had to… but bottom line is I didn’t. That little venture cost me a deposit because I decided to “marchar” ahaha. But whatever you live and you learn. Maria the land lady was kind of a beezy and Kristian was a sweet heart but i do feel robbed that they didn’t give me back my deposit.

Anyway, that was monday…. for the next few days I was looking for a place to stay in Madrid. All the while I had the longest work orientation i have ever had…10 Hours the first day and 5 the next. BA! It was bascially a stretched out introduction into what we could expect from the program and tips and tricks for getting around the city. Most of the stuff we already knew or was something we could easily findout during our experience. So needless to say ….. we were all bored.. During that people were making friends and striking up converstation with one another…. I on the other hand didnt. I guess i didn’t see value in befriending someone that I probably wont see again. Or maybe i was just being a shy. Whatever the case may be it doesn’t matter… Ill make friends. So thats the orientation…

So then came the house hunt… I actually found a pretty cool place… there is a ton of natural light, Which i didn’t know was so important to me until i lost it, and I am living with a nice family… They are sorta shy right now… seeing as how they dont speak a lick of English. Im excited to practice my spanish with them when i can… I really enjoy trying to talk to them. I don’t get those looks of judgement that people back home give me when I don’t speak perfect spanish. I believe I will be well suited here and Im pretty sure they will like  me. The cool thing is the son is learning spanish at school… Im thinking I might be able trade some lessons for some food. well see how open to that they are in the coming future

So I went to barcelona… I really like the city… I didn’t like all of my experience there but overall it was worth the money I paid the energy I spent. I met some cool people and Got to hang with my friend Rose. I don’t know why we didn’t get together on saturday night but its all good. I slammed home sunday not feeling great and really tired. Made it back home and went to sleep after talking to the GF and my Parents. Woke up the next morning and had my first day of school

I was a bit nervous but mostly cause i didn’t want to be late to class as i didnt know how far it was but it was good. They fed me breakfast!!!!! For Free!!!! then we did some arts and crafts and basically just farted around. I think this job is going to be cake. Im going to be a p.e. teacher how sick is that. Basically once again my physique and athletisicim has pigeon holed me into a role of little responsibility. So good haha. Anyway more about that later. its time for me to catch the metro for some rugby. Late.

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